The Biology of Sea Turtles - Spring 2022CRN 40987 (3 Units*) Thurs 5:30 - 8:30PM, Girggs Hall Rm 105 March 28 - June 3, 2022 Join marine biologist and globally recognized sea turtle expert, Dr. Stephen G. Dunbar, for this introductory NSCI course, especially designed for Loma Linda University faculty and staff. Dunbar's extensive research experience on sea turtles from the Caribbean and Indian Ocean allow him to provide first-hand knowledge and experiences in relating many of the course topics. Learn about the ecology, life cycles and threats to sea turtles around the world. Some of the topics will include basic sea turtle physiology, life cycles, research, and conservation. Link to Non-degree Registration Process here. Link to Tuition Benefits Allowance Application Form here. Link to Tuition Reimbursement Application Form here. Please order this book online to have at the start of the course. Sea Turtles; An WEcological Guide by Gulko and Eckert. 2004. Mutual Publishing. Click on the book image below to order.